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f.a.o. sqad.....

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NoMercy | 16:18 Mon 20th Apr 2009 | Body & Soul
24 Answers
Sorry to disturb you, but are you familiar with Spanish brand antihistamines?

I had a really bad reaction to a feral cat I found abondoned last September, and the pharmacist gave me some Ebastina cinfa 10mg comprimidos EFG. They are a load of rubbish. Something set me off sneezing yesterday, and so I took one of these tablets, and they are just not working. Can you suggest a good brand that I can ask for?


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That's it....thanks whiffey.....brings back memories. As a med student, I took a nurse out who lived in Chelmsford and gues what....she missed the last train back. I had to sneak her into the student's hostel in Turner St for the night and she caught the first train back to Chelmsford.LOL LOL
I second Sqad. I suffer from horrible sun rash sometimes, and the Lotradina i get in spain usually does the trick.

There are multiple different strengths, as i recall 5mg and 10mg, there may be one higher. So depends just how bad the allergy is!
Squad I hope that wasn't my mum she was a nurse and she lived in Chelmsford nanny still lives there in Links Drive could have been your nan LOL LOL

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