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Banning other users

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poltergeist | 18:14 Tue 21st Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
So lets get this straight. If you wanted to ban another user all you have to do is register 20 email addresses (or even 10 would suffice) then report 2 of the same persons threads 10 times. then they are deleted. correct? Is this why some users never start a thread? for the fear of been banned?


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"Yogi goes and runs behind a tree to hide the wrath of the luscious NoMercy!!"
Do you think I'm a fiery chick, Yogi ? lol xx
true pasty


my aunty pasty here

will keep you right

she tries to keep me right too.: o)

wethink you will be an easier task for her

Question Author
how long does it take to report someone 10 times though. come on own up
leggy tells no lies....
......except for the "aunty " part....
I think your so hot Mercy you sweat chilli from your lovely little pores and cop hold of this..............................


for NoM xx
I'll put my hands up to having reported someone but not in CB. I just got p!ssed off with this person blatantly advertising in Health & Beauty (not that I go there much). The next day all her posts had gone.....
Awww fanks, Ian ! xx
Lol Ethel
Notice how this little group want to report others for abuse. When the two sewer rats start dishing it out, the silence is deafening. Three stars for hypocrisy.
-- answer removed --
How many times have you been banned on here for posting abuse then newsdork?

Sorry ed typo
...never...I still use the same name...





did i say

lol ?�?�?�?�

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Banning other users

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