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Dangerous man?

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LucyThomas5 | 00:19 Tue 21st Apr 2009 | News
9 Answers
Is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad potentially the most dangerous man in the world?


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Not if he keeps on wearing that suit! He's had the same one for years, hasn't he? You can spot him a mile away, so he can't be that dangerous, can he?
Lucy, I thought at first you were referring to my great friend, Ward-Minter. The West has nothing to fear from the peace loving people of Iran, just as AB has nothing to fear from Wardy. Mahmoud comes across as friendly and cool, a great leader in my opinion.
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No. Because he's considerably weaker than the West makes him out to be. He's also notably unpopular.

The real power in Iran stll lies with the Ayatollah.
I think his constant attacks against Jews show a warped mindset and he is a constant thorn in the side of the western powers, but whether that makes him a real threat to the west remains to be seen.
it's the ranting of a lunatic, and he tries to popularise himself with the Middle Eastern countries by this, as you would notice, there were a few who applauded him after the walk-out, I think he's a leader in name only as kromo has pointed out, he's under the watchful eye of another evil "git" the Ayatollah and his mad clerics.
anyone with nukes is potentially the most dangerous man in the world - but Ahmadinejad hasn't got any. As Kromovaracun points out, even his power base in Iran is wobbly.
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Well the post is vacant since Obama took over the whitehouse!

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Dangerous man?

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