if someone has redirected their mail to an unoccupied property (one for sale for example) to hide from creditors etc and debts, will they get found out?
I really wouldnt see the point in doing this anyway. as uuummmm said, it just postpones the inevitable. From experience, best to deal with these things, if not alone, then seek advice from Citizens Advice or Local Council who can advocate on your behalf and work out a plan with your creditors.
Simply redirecting your own mail to anywhere isn't a criminal offence. (Perhaps we should all redirect our bills to 10 or 11 Downing Street? It would be perfectly lawful to do so!)
It's no different to receiving the bills and throwing them straight in the bin, unopened. However, when things 'get serious', lenders usually take care to ensure that correspondence is always marked 'Do not redirect. Return to sender'. (Local councils always mark correspondence relating to council tax with that instruction). Once they start getting their mail back, they'll make further enquiries and (if necessary) send someone to the debtor's house to attempt to hand over a court summons in person.