Engagement advice in The AnswerBank: Family Life
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Engagement advice

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garycref | 12:42 Fri 17th Apr 2009 | Family Life
29 Answers
hi, my girlfriend has fallen preganant and I want to do the right thing, problem is we are both in a financial mess due to the credit crunch.
I need some help or ideas on firstly a ring, can I get a cheap one without feeling like a cheap skate....also where can I propose to maybe make the occassion more special than the actual ring

She has told me not to spend loads if I ever proposed and I think it's the unity that's more important to her

I live in London so any places near to propose? Any links to web fir rings....any advice at all is very needed

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Agree with the birth stone idea or maybe a stone of her favourite colour. My ring has a purple stone (don't know what it is but it's my favourite colour and cost just over �100). My now husband took me to a jewellers in Skegness and took me into the local park - all in between games in a darts competition he was playing in LOL

Very spontaneous and fun - maybe that's the answer - the surprise her factor when she least expects it (in the middle of Sainsbury's chilled aisle on one knee!)
Think outside the box....it doesn't HAVE to be an 'engagement ' ring per se. The birthstone idea is good....or any semi-precious stone that either suits her,or has meaning. All stones have traditional meanings attributed to them. Try independent jewellers ...and also think of silver instead of gold. You could also consider something with a celtic pattern....just think in terms of what will have meaning for both of you.
Go for an antique (second hand). With the credit crunch there's plenty of stuff around.
i got engaged to my husband aged 16 with a ring that cost �75 from argos. i never wear it now as i am a nurse and have got into the habit of not wearing any jewellery except my wedding band. get her something pretty in her birthstone or a cheap ring - it is the token factor that counts, not the cost. me and my hubby have been married for 15 years now and are very happy, despite all of life's little problems and the occaisional crap it throws at us. i have to say, if i was with him for the money or what i could get out of him, i would be sorely disappointed! if your other half is money or bling orientated, i would think twice about asking her to marry you - do you want to spend the next ?? years arguing over money or constantly being a 'disappointment' to her? if she is lovely, of course, then it won't matter what you get her - she will love it anyway...x
i admire your old fashion values but in this day and age you should propose cos you really want to not just cos your girlfriend is pregnant
but if you want to do the right thing as you say is there a piece of family jewelwery your mum can let you have and have it in her sizwe when my brother got engaged he used my nans old lovely eternity ring, cleaned it up and it waslovely
so how did pizza hut go?
Here is some friendly advice......, you said your both in a "financial mess" ... try to get out of that first, before even thinking about buying a ring, Im sure she would appreciate you doing that with the money, then that way she will see you are thinking about your family's future, then explain you will eventually buy her the best ring when your financially on your feet again........ hope all goes well whatever you do !
i dont think you should be buying a ring if you are in a financial mess - that is not going to help. The cost of a ring is not important but does not sound like you have any spare cash - even less with a baby on the way. Just reassure your GF as best as possible that you will stand by her and plan to be with her for the rest of your lives - a ring is not going to secure that.

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