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i saw a lady

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SLINKYKATE | 20:40 Fri 24th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
running along the street with really high heels on,and i thought,why is she running,was it for a bus,maybe a sale,late for a date,what o you think


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She was running to swoon over dout hawkes
Hi Slinkykate I think she was running home to get changed for a hot date :P
Are you not in Glasgow Slinky? I would be surprised that you had seen a Lady - she was probably trying to escape ;o)
She was heading for Queen Street station to get the train back to Edinburgh.
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maybe she slept in for work
Oi annie000, Glesga is mair cullchured than auld reekie by ra way! ;)
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how dare you annie,i love glasgow and all there people i wasnt born here but i love it,have travelled a lot and this is def. the best place ever,so friendly like me
oooh slinkykate glesga is magic isn't it? Where are you from originally?
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hay i am a brandane(rothesay)are you in glasgow,i'm in crookston,where are you
No offence Kate - I am originally from Edinburgh - now in Stirling which I love.

Heard a joke about Glasgow today, but don't know if I should share it ;o)
perhaps she was an early starter for the London marathon.
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go on tell me,i know your dying to
Och tell the joke annie!!!

Kate, I am in Cumbernauld (cue lots of "what's it called" posts!!), but frequent the big smoke often :P
Okay, but you've probably heard it - I tend to be a bit behind.

Did you hear that they have had to shelf planned for a series of CSI based in Glasgow?

Apparently nobody had any dental records and they all had the same DNA.......
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my friend stays in cumbernauld but a bit far out for me

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i saw a lady

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