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sir lancelot

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jubo | 11:17 Mon 27th Apr 2009 | Crosswords
8 Answers
3d, ballet posture, p?i?
26a, town on the humber estuary, i?m?n?h?m
thanks in advance.


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3d Pli�

26a Immingham
Hi S how did you manage to type the accent please?
Good morning Sarumite.

How do you do the accent over the e ?
Hi Judy - glad to see I'm not the only one.

Cheers K
Hi Judy and kayakamina ... sorry about delayed reply, but I've only just looked back!!

Simply hold down the Alt Gr key and then press e to give you �. At least that's how it works on my laptop!
Hi S and thankyou! Have taken a note of that for future use. kind regards, judy:o)

Hi jubo ....apologies for cluttering up your in-box

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