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Dishwasher outlet pipe

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wendilla | 10:57 Thu 23rd Apr 2009 | How it Works
3 Answers
Thinking of buying dishwasher that will be next to washng machine. How is it connected to the outlet from washing machine or has it got to be a separate pipe for drainage.Thanks


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Its usually connected under the sink. The easy option is if you alreay have a 'T' piece under your sink with a blanking cap that you can unscrew and stick your waste pipe from the dishwasher to.

If you dont have a T connector fitted then you can buy one from most DIY shops. They're easy to fit, its just a case of unscrewing the old section and putting in the new one.

You may be better going to a plumbing merchants and explaining what you want as they'll be able to suggest the right part and give good advice.

Its not difficult to do. I'm useless at DIY and got mine sorted!
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Thank you for your reply. Yes I have been to b@q and got one .Just need the dish washer now .It was the outlet pipe for waste water I was concerned about but seen them too . Thanks and as you say it will be easy to fix up.
If you are having the drain from dishwaher and washing machine going into same outlet to drain outside then I would recommend that you don't have both on at same time. Otherwise pipework may not take quantity of waste water and flood the kitchen. Forewarned is forearmed as they say.

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