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local crossword

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patrixcia | 18:36 Sun 26th Apr 2009 | Crosswords
7 Answers
it breaks up those endless taxes (6) t?????
describing any flower deliberately sought after (7)
illegally aquire southern bird(5)
a number of notes we hear producing harmony (6)
thank you in advance pat


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3 s teal
1 Does the clue read '..these' rather than '...those'?

If so - T-it-hes(e) (?)
Last one...accord.
4 Accord - A + c (100; number) + cord (sounds like) 'chord'
It makes little difference Lie-in King, but I read it as
Accord - sounds like a chord (number of notes). :O)
You're quite right slaney, I was over-complicating it...
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thank you all for answers pat

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