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followed through

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poltergeist | 19:29 Tue 28th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
come on lets be brutally honest here. who out of you have ever followed through?


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I know somebody who shat in a bottle and covered it up with a tea towel for his flatmate to find next morning.
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well now I bet that was a nice suprise. What a thoughtful chap he is. Not really what I meant though
No, never, but I did watch a mate bent over a pc at work let rip, a damp patch appeared at the seat of his trousers and he said "I think I need to go to the toilet"

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Oh whifffey what a spectacle.. I bet he was a tad embarrassed to say the very least.
I suppose I shouldn't have been looking at his bottom, but he is a dead spit for Stephen Hendry.
-- answer removed --

and it is fuk*ing embarrassing especially on a plane
Never start something you cant finish.

do nothing!

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