.. found out today that a boy from their school (in my 15 yr old daughter's year, and my 12 yr old son's best-friend's brother) hanged himself earlier this week. completely unconnected (because news hadn't got out), a girl in my daughter's year is on life-support after hanging herself last night.
it's just tragic. I watched the all the kids coming out of school in silence, many were crying. it's hard to imagine what they were going through, what their families and friends are going through, and the hundreds of lives this has touched. I worry how my own kids will deal with this.
I guess thats th thing No K we never really know how good or not someones life is, especially behind closed doors at home. Too often children portray a perfect home as they fear others will realise they live in hell or they are too scared to tell for fear of recrimination.
massive difference between an adult and a child throwing a 7 leggy , i won't say friend but someone i played football with killed himself and left 2 kids and a wife behind, all because of gambling debts. i felt nothing but contempt for him.
But a lot of these children also come from perfectly good homes as well pink. There's too much pressure on everyone these days.
Same with your friend Leggy.
There's this underlying materialistic need, with adults having this false belief that they have to keep having more and more, and life should mean being surrounded by luxuries and money. It often breeds nothing but contempt, boredom and lazy adults. Children get caught up in all this, and the adults themselves sometimes see how empty their lives really are. Then they find that nobody's listening - and you see wat happens. Very sad indeed.
That's so very sad to hear sara3. I know only too well how suicide is such a very difficult thing to cope with. It leaves so many questions unanswered and therefore takes a long time to come to terms with.
I do hope that the girl makes a full recovery and Icey's friend's little baby too. x x x
Thank you Aprilis, and it must be terrible for the family of sara's son's friend. Something must've also been terrible for HIM, before he did what he did. Such an awful waste of a young life.
My friend's baby is very ill at the moment, so obviously my thoughts are with his family and him as well. What makes it even worse, is that our friend is ill herself, and to have this on top of everything else seems so unfair.
These horrible situations put everything else into perspective don't they?
i agree Ice but a "good home" is relative. Often good homes the expectations can be too high for vulnerable children who feel unable to live up to parents expectations. their self esteem is based on achievement and they grow to fear failure or disappointment. Good homes can be where parents work a lot to provide great opportunities for children but can miss out on what comes free- time and attention. Good homes very often appear great on the outside but what goes on behind closed doors too often is not spoke about
They sure do Icey. Mr Aprilis's brother committed suicide and it was devastating to find out he was suffering so very much and nobody had any clue. There wasn't so much as a hint of it, not even in hindsight. Such things certainly force you to re-evaluate what's important in life and what's not.