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Swine flu

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wasp | 15:24 Wed 29th Apr 2009 | News
10 Answers
Another lie from Gordon Brown. He told us that the government had banned swine flu from Britain just in case it offended Muslims.


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Thanks Jake. Yes them too
Somebody is telling porkies!
-- answer removed --
Actually it is slightly serious.

I hear the pork industry is worried about potential sales and that poor girl going back to school after catching it will be teased unmercifully - I dare say she'll get oinks for years!

Of course the Mexicans would much rather it was called Swine flu.

You can't win

But these names take a life of their own - I doubt anybody can change it now
I know it you must view this web site:,?q=taniflu
I can help you. you must go to
Who is this duduka, he/she keeps advertising sites.
I agree with Jake, I can't see the Mexicans liking the term Mexican Flu...

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Swine flu

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