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liverpoolfoo | 12:24 Sat 02nd May 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Hi i have just heard those dreaded words Eurovision Song (Farce) Contest & would like to know if anyone knows when this AWFUL C##P takes place? As a rule i/we don't usualy go out on a sat nights.But if i know when it's on i'll drag Her-in-Doors out LOL


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Hi Liverpoolfoo

Not sure when it is on but when it is i will come out with you & ur mrs lol
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I am not even slightly interested. For me the ESC was WOGAN!!

Here comes the judge
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There is a stripper performing this year.

Just put another tv channel or turn the tv off if you don't want to watch it - it's not compulsory
Ethel she's not a's the fantastic Dita von Teese who is a burlesque dancer....
its a con, europe hates us so we will never win even though we put a lot of money into it, its got stuff all to do with the songs, its all about politics
craft - you mean there's a difference?
Someone gets their clothes off in a performance to music is a stripper.
lol ethel, she is a classy stripper
A good definition of the stripper oldhamfan,
Oxy~She looks like a male cow ~
Moron,well that says it for itself! LOL

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