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Stop taking my food!

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CarolG | 18:35 Mon 16th May 2005 | Body & Soul
26 Answers
Ok, this is going to sound really petty but here goes�
A few weeks ago I bought a tub of flora & put it in the fridge at work. I only used it once & then went on a month long detox. Last week, having completed the detox, I went to the staff kitchen to make my lunch, got my flora & it was half gone. I was a bit annoyed about this and moved it into another compartment but it keeps being used and moved by someone else. There is nothing communal in our fridge so nobody can be thinking its for everyone's use, I think that this is really cheeky. I understand that its only a tub of butter and was inexpensive but its not the point!! I was thinking of sending an email round or putting a label on it but how anal is that? I am probably overreacting, but would this annoy anyone else?


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When I was a student, this used to happen all the time.   I started putting a few drops of green or yellow food dye in my bottles of milk, and the pilfering soon stopped!
I work in a large open plan office and there are regular complaints of milk and food being taken from the fridges. However the most bizarre occurrence was when a colleague went for her sandwich at lunchtime she discovered that someone had unwrapped it and taken a bite before wrapping it again. All we could assume was that the person who did it did not like the filling!!

When I lived in a student house, I found that a very generous dosage of "Daves' Insanity Sauce" added to the "bait", enabled me to quickly identify the perpetrator.

Yes that is irritating!
I buy milk for my cereal, then find it gone the next day because everyone's used it for their tea (I don't drink tea) despite the fact that it's obviously not the communal tea milk becuase it has my name on it. Then occasionally someone sends round a ***** email telling everyone not to use the communal milk for their cereal!
Recently I've started putting the MD's name on my milk and that has worked so far... I reckon everyone just thinks they're only having a splash, but it all adds up to me buying a pint of milk everyday just for one bowl of cereal!
What about setting up a webcam to try and catch the culprit in the act, they are fairly inexpensive and would probably save you the cost of the lost spread!.
My friend lived in at the nurses accomodation, she put some bacon under the grill in the communal kitchen, when there were no clean plates she went to her room for one of hers, when she got back the bacon had gone! Anyway, my suggestion for yourself is leave a definate and distinct pattern in the butter, that way the guilty party will know you're on to them, think twice, and also hopefully be amused if irritated rather than go on about how petty they might think you've been to colleagues. HELP ME or DIE might be good.

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Stop taking my food!

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