Personally my dream is to go to Canada. I want to visit the Rocky Mountains and Walk on a Glacier and visit the Banff National Park, .and live in a settlement with Red Indians for a wee while..
That would be brilliant... Thats what I want to do when Im 40...Im saving my pennies...
We've planned on saving about 6k between us so hopefully that will be enough...It's a lifelong dream of mine so I will go there, I will, I
I'd be really scared going to Australia...lots of killer beasties there....ooooooo...big fearty that I am........
I love beasties of all sizes but defo not ones that can kill me with one wee tiny tootsie bite...
did the tour a few years ago by bus fro calgary to vancouver.It was absolutely fabulous but expensive.River rafted on the Athabascar river and went on Athabascar g;lacier.Stayed in Banff locals call it Beautiful and nothing for free.Disappointingly never saw native American---except in Vancouver selling dreamcatchers--couldnt help thinking they missed opportunity to put on display for tourists