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Kids TV programme

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Jet | 14:58 Mon 09th May 2005 | Film, Media & TV
2 Answers
Hi all  Can anyone tell me if they remember a kids programme called CAB?  What was it about and where can i find out more info about it?  my boyf keeps going on about it and i have no idea...! 


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The main action centered around a boy and his two friends (1 male and 1 female - the male possibly being his brother) who formed a 'detective agency'. The 'C.A.B.' of the title refers either to the name of this 'detective agency' or to a password used therein, I'm not quite sure.

Many  of the events took place in a shop owned by the old shopkeeper-type character, which doubled up as the centre of a conspiracy to bring back to life Queen Elizabeth I   . The shopkeepeer was in on the plot as Queen Liz had promised him wealth/power and it was up to the C.A.B. team to foil the plan and probably save England from the tyrannical reign of the resurrected queen.

Anyway, I don't remember much else except that the shopkeeper owned a phone which when not in use could be disguised as an innocent can of Pepsi and also had a secret area upstairs which could only be accessed by turning the hands of the clock in the back of the shop

"C.A.B" stands for 'Citizens Advice Bereua' - the building where the kids used to meet and the 'old shop keeper character' actually ran the centre. I think that was the case anyway??

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