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money makes the world go around so they say

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johnny.5 | 20:55 Thu 07th May 2009 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
but has the current economical situation actually slowwed the speed at whch the planet revolves ?


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Hi johnny.5 :), Good question mate. I'm a tad miffed as I received a letter from my mortgage company telling me that due to the economic climate and people making claims on their mortgage protectionplans that they are increasing MY policy by 15%! FFS!!!!!!!!! Bloody charlatans
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bloomin' rob dogs

hi haysi hows life up in bonny land ?
Yeah johnny.5 I am blooming ragin grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Life in bonnyland is grand thanks for asking and hows your good self?
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i good too
gotta go coffee break
Are you working just now johhny.5, make us a cuppa :P
no it's ok johnny.5, the hot air coming from parliament is making the earth lighter and so the winds of change are keeping the speed up.

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money makes the world go around so they say

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