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At the end of the day

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knobbynonut5 | 23:46 Sat 09th May 2009 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Do you think that you have done more good than harm?????


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I try to be as good as possible.....but there are a few little nasty demons that throw me off track sometimes.
Agree with you completely Cathy. I want to be buried in a natural casket entwined with flowers - under an oak tree.

I think you're very good, punkin! : )
Always be yourself.

Because the people that matter, don�t mind.

And the ones that mind, don�t matter.

Well I fancy having a tree planted on top of me - I know in some places they plant a tree on top of everybody but if it gets too dark they dig them up to allow the light in for regrowth but that's ok
Lol - well I want a baby oak tree planting near me, and I think it's all been arranged.
Thought about leaving my body to medical science - but after a few dissections....I'd be gone!! Mwhahaha!
Lol, Icey!

That really cut me up.

Just a pit with lime thrown over me to minimise the smell is good enough for me.

It's just an empty husk, so why bother?
Very true MWB - and I'm definitely coming back! : )
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I have a very uneasy feeling that slinky could be jogger jayne
**** off i'm not
lol at mwb

empty husk


better than an empty head lol
what makes you think that nobby,i've been here all night doing my crossword and at the over 50's club

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At the end of the day

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