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What coluer

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knobbynonut5 | 02:25 Sun 10th May 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
What coluer Is your dick �?�?�


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wtf ?�

Question Author
Aw bollowococs I got no answers
Well he isn't my dick but I think Moby Dick was grey
Should we all say goodbye to ya now,knobby?
Question Author
Yea sorry parsty I have run my course on here and | Is getting a bit tired now so I will go to bed now with my ladiie lippy
Well my own dic..tionary's dark with that rivetting piece of news...night night knobby!! : )
well if you have no nuts just be glad to have dick regardless of its hue

night night x
night knobbynonut5
same colour as my nose
good day to you

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What coluer

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