Why are the millions of sheds and structures in our gardens mostly brown ? We live in a country where for six months of the year there is little colour in our gardens , where for a few tins of paint we could have colour all the year round .. Think of the seaside beach huts and the multi coloured buildings in Scandinavia. What a difference it would make here.
I think the reason is we all used to use creosote to paint and protect our sheds and this really never changed, would be brilliant if it did. I shall be repainting my shed soon and think I now will paint it a bright colour, due to reading your posting.
I have recently bought a shed and have painted it Red Cedar which I still think it blends in with the rest of my garden although my missus wanted to put curtains in it, I ask you, what next, a pretty carpet perhaps?
Brilliant ! Nice to know I'm not alone in the world with bright painted buildings in the garden. I have rusty red doors , turquoise facades and yellow beading around doors and windows. I don't have curtains but I do have artificial flowers around the inside of the windows.
I wonder why the TV programmers don't do a series of garden programmes based on improving the appearance of garden structures rather than putting down miles of brown decking which ends up covered with slippery mould.