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modeller | 18:59 Sun 10th May 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Who are the greatest hypocrites politicians or the clerics ?


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Which would you prefer it to be? Obviously you are free from all fault.

clerics without doubt

the pope is one of the worst

ex nazi who for 20 years helped hide and coverup priests child abuse

dth ?�?�?
And you are the messiah then legolard? The saviour of Israel and the world. I always had you down as a fat Scottish drunk, it shows how wrong we can be.
Do you mean in the modern day or is this a history homework question?
the pope is evil
Ohhhh ..... Another false leg?

BTW, is it taking forever to post? It's driving me bonkers.
chapppy its moi

and the pope is evil

fix ur headset lol
mrs.c I am becoming a solitaire expert whilst waiting for the screen to change..............
Off you go legend, explain why the pope is evil. You will have to explain at the same time why you are not. Off you go fatty.
Howdy leg! A false leg wouldn't know about my headset problem, so I know it's you. I was suspicious, 'cos your dot has moved to the end of your name.

Hey craft, I've never known AB be as slow as this.

Hi to everyone else on this thread!
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Hi whiffey ! You ask if I'm free from fault. No I'm not but neither do I go around preaching and telling other people what to do.
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Hi Haukes. I don't think it matters politicians and clerics have been around since humans have been on earth with little change in their fundamental behaviour .
tut, you could have called me Dot, it's not a boys school on here flippin eck like!

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