About 2 years ago, my telephone line got caught in the main BT sub station box, as a result of which my broadband kept cutting out. After much haggle they agreed to come out and found this was the problem. At the moment, I have a BT Voyager router and have my laptop wireless and my desktop through a cable. The wireless is very slow and not reliable and even when I use the desktop, if I use BT yahoo messenger to talk to my cousin online through headphones, the line keeps on cutting out saying wireless signal poor, although I am not wireless. I cannot run extensions from the main telephone box in the house for my broadband to plug into, as they do not work for broadband anymore, although they used to before all this happened. BT have now offered my the new home hub with "n" power, although all my systems are "g" wireless and said this should improve my broadband signal. I am still of the opinion that it is their fault and the line is crinkled and although it works, it is not a good signal. They contest this and have tested the line and say everything is in order. My question is should I stay with them and get the home hub or change to virgin and have anew line put in with them. Anyone else had these problems. Any advice would be much appreciated. Many thanks.
I'd go to Virgin Media personally. My experiences with BT have always ended up with more trouble than it's worth and half the time the tech support try and fob you off with "it's your fault not ours" answers.
I switched to Virgin Media a few years ago and haven't had any trouble and much faster speeds than those offered by BT due to them using fibre optic. BT are rolling out fibre optic, but it could be years till everyone has fibre optic connectivity available.
Thanks people, funny how everyone has similiar experiences to me with BT, they always say it is your equipment or your line, never their fault!!!. My only reservation about Virgin is I hear that their customer support is sometimes not too good, although my cousin who has had it for years has never had any problems.