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nobody wants to anser my posts today

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zzxxee | 17:45 Thu 14th May 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
how come are they that rubbish?


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Nooo zzxxee, they are never rubbish pet, it's probably a meal time in most households at the moment, just hang on in there
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i will but only half an hour or so cos i need some grub to my belly is starveing
Nah, you were right first time - absolute pants!
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ok so thery are pants then as nobody wants to comment on them i shall sing loudly to myself " la la "
fer gods sake shurrup, what do yer want answering,?
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have i got a nice voice "LA LA LA"
Well the kim and aggie one was anyway..
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yes postdog by ME LOL
what you having for eats
Why would anybody want to goose your posts?

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nobody wants to anser my posts today

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