Parental Leave in The AnswerBank: Law
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Parental Leave

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crystaljt1 | 16:24 Thu 14th May 2009 | Law
3 Answers
Hi All, just wondering if you could possibly help me here. I am going to be taking Parental Leave from work. As this is unpaid Leave, do the Job centre help you out in any way?

Many thanks
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in a monetary way do you mean?
do you get what used to be called family allowance? Child tax credits etc?
The clue is in the name, the "Job centre" will help you by finding you a job! What you need is the "sponge free money off the state" centre, unfortunately you can only go there if you are not a British Passport owner.
If you have a low income and/or in receipt of other benefits you may be entitled to claim Income Support and should seek advice on this from your local Jobcentre Plus.

http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Parents/Moneyandwo rkentitlements/WorkAndFamilies/Parentalleavean dflexibleworking/DG_171864

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