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have you ever been really jelous of a friend

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zzxxee | 17:51 Thu 14th May 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
but have never admitted it if so why?


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Never. I don't think I possess that emotion.
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your a better person than me ummmmm
no i haven't .........i choose my friends carefully
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i make sure they are all down and out bums!
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ok that answered that then lol
I have probably two lifelong friends. I have never felt jealous of either. Both have qualities I respect, which is why they are my friends xxx
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thats nice sachs x
nah - never choose friends that are better / prettier than me ;0)
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lol squit
No I'm not. Just learnt through experience.
Oh, yeaahh !!

I've got a friend who looks as if she was drawn by a man having a fantasy.

She's a fab friend, but oh god ... I am soooo jealous.

If you could start from scratch and design yourself, she is what you'd end up with.

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i hate that have a woman at work shes so stunning but really nice to you should hate her but you cant ...

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have you ever been really jelous of a friend

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