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Thank you Beatrice 35 for your comments. I did answer yesterday to say the cat has no physical ailment and the vet said perhaps he was frightened by another cat. He seems to have calmed down now but I will watch him of course. I was going to reply to BeatySwalls post of last night at 23.16 then I thought why should I give him ammunition for more of his cruel comments. Then I read what he said today and it beggers belief. On one hand he is saying shoot the animal and using comments such as crazy and monstrous to describe him, then he is suggesting everyone else is cruel to animals because we eat meat. How are those comments supposed to tally with each other if he has animals welfare at heart? He might try to goad me into replying direct to his no doubt messages to come, BUT I WILL NOT. HE IS NOT WORTH IT AND I SUGGEST EVERYONE ELSE IGNORES HIM. It is noticeable that not one single person on this thread has agreed with him. He really is the lowest of the low. Its no good saying he should be ashamed of himself, because he does not know what shame is. I would like to think he would be banned from Answerbank.