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if this was a dream, there'd be rum

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joggerjayne | 21:29 Tue 19th May 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Is this a dream?

No. Of course ... if this was a dream, there'd be rum.

Capt Jack Sparrow

But if it was your dream, what would there be ???

For me ... popcorn. Buckets and buckets of popcorn.


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Carol voddieman
cats dogs and donkeys
KerNoby wy do they call yoo tit head
walking around ascot......looking at the
carol vorderman and popcorn
southern comfort and blondes with big norks
Tina Turner and some man
-- answer removed --
Hi jayne.

Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back - Return Of The Jedi - The Indiana Jones quadrilogy (in that order), A Burger and chips (from my local Italian takeaway), Crisps, a Mars Bar and lots of Morrison's Jelly Beans.
Question Author
cats dogs and donkeys cath ?

Couldn't you just eat fish and fruit like the rest of us ?
Question Author
Hey, what's this?

Is it a stash of rum? No, it's ...

Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back - Return Of The Jedi - The Indiana Jones quadrilogy (in that order), A Burger and chips (from Judge Nutmeg's local Italian takeaway), Crisps, a Mars Bar and lots of Morrison's Jelly Beans.

It just seems ... unlikely ?
Kill Bill 1 and 2 dime bars......Jack Daniels.......toothpaste
hairdryer and straightners.....conditioner....body scrub and oil......
Capt Jack Sparrow of course!..... erm or Brad... or George.... or vodka... galaxy chocolate......whipped cream....steak.... salmon... how many do I have to restrict myself to....?

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Do you know the answer?

if this was a dream, there'd be rum

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