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Happy post of the day

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Stephen_G | 19:13 Wed 20th May 2009 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Evening all. Hope you're all good. Just seen this on the ITV evening news and thought I'd share.

An American Banker noticed that a mother Duck had built a nest near his window on the second floor of a building. She then flew off and left the duckilings to themselves.....

There's a happy ending in the video though. erican-Banker-Joel-Armstrong-Rescues-Ducklings -Left-High-And-Dry-In-Washington-State/Article /200905315285200?lid=ARTICLE_15285200_American BankerJoelArmstrongRescuesDucklingsLeftHighAnd DryInWashingtonState&lpos=searchresults


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Here you go Judge : ure/Question758609.html

It is a lovely story and I like the bit where the mummy duck is telling the little ones off! Lol
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My bad tiggs.

D -. Must try harder.
That's such a brilliant story. Hope they have a long & happy life.
That's a lovely story judge - restores your faith in human nature a bit doesn't it?
It's sooooo cute , and what a good sight to see that man catching them :-)

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