I live in a small village in Fife now but was born and brought up in a Highland village in Inverness-shire. Where I am now is pretty central for towns and cities, so I am happy where I am.
I live slap bang in central London. The scenery isn't great but it's convineiant for all the important things in my life and I actually quite like it. For now it suits my needs but I suspect I'll end up moving to a seaside town at some point, the countryside is ok but I prefer the beach as my back garden.
The place I live in is a mixture , big enough to have supermarkets and a retail park, mixed in with farm lands and some beautiful woodland beside the river Clyde.
I've lived here all my life - except a couple of years in the East end of Glasgow- And I love it, can't think of anywhere better to be.
i'm south side of glasgow and a happy mixture of both rural and urban. About 20 minutes in any direction takes me to crowded shops or open countryside. I love it here :)
Manx family ,we came back 17 years ago. Population of about 75000 half of which lives around capital. I don't. I am sat here overlooking the sea and wouldn't live anywhere else for all the tea in China. Ps. Have lived in big cities as well as country and rural seaside is best for me.