Vodafone espa�a have installed a moble broadband dongle onto my daughter?s Toshiba laptop (8months old) Windows Vista Home Premium but now the computer won't even open, it senda a long page too much to read saying something about an error and the coses down. The dongle is working properly , any ideas what I have to click on or off to get this to open, many thanks, I've asked all over the site!
when you start the comp press f8 and click ither last known configuration or safe mode, if you press safe mode go to start ,programmes, accessorys, systme tools then system restore and follow on screen instructions.
neti anything electrical purchased in spain carries a 2 years warranty.check at vodafone shop , it may be a problem with the laptop and nothing to do with the dongle.does the lappy work without it ?
and have you tried another dongle ?
maybe yours or a friends on the laptop if it is working?
I bought it in England but have been in touch with toshiba and they have tested it and it's not the computer although there is a incompatible driver, so will have to uninstall Bullguard so hopefully that will cure it, am sick to death of technology and all things digital!