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I've had a hell of a night and morning

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tiggerblue10 | 11:26 Sun 24th May 2009 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
Yesterday evening I mentioned that my neighbours were taking stereo equipment into their house but there was no noise at around 11pm. I got into bed and then it started!!!!!!!! Music went on till around 6am.

That wasn't the half of it though.

At around just after 6am I could hear raised voices coming from the road. I looked out the window and all the party attendees had spilled out onto the road and some of the women were screaming at each other. One of the women was bleeding from the side of her head so I called the police. They arrived within 5 minutes and then had to call for back-up. The police were there trying to calm the situation down and then they went. As soon as they went the roudyness started again!

How selfish and inconsiderate can people be at stupid o'clock in the morning on a Sunday when people want a lie-in.


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Lol Dris. As long as no blood is spilt :o)
Sun 24/05/09
11:51 tiggs tell me if im wrong

i spent a while chattin to a guy in the gay cafe here
he was from croydon and had a business there
he said aside from the stabbings and anti socila behaviour and gangs , that croydon was a dirty place.streets strewn with litter and one of the messiets dirtiest places he knew.

im only takin his word for it but it sounds a miserable place and im not nsurprise dyou regularly sound so doiwn.

id hate to feel trapped there.

save and escape tiggz
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It is to a certain degree Leg. There are some parts that are nice like Lloyds Park but I can't really mention the real reason it has gone downhill. It will be politically incorrect of me to do so.
I told ya tiggs. Didn't I tell ya........

Mind you, I have problems of that sort too now.
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I guess so Postie.

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I've had a hell of a night and morning

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