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my old man said follow the van

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zzxxee | 18:50 Sun 24th May 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers


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And don't dilly dally on the way
Oh gawd! Lol
and when you catch it, get me a large doner kebab and a can of coke...
Question Author
off went me ??????????????? cant remember please help?????
I'll have a 99 please.
....went the van wiv me home packed in it!
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thats it
so i dillied and dallied dallied and dillied...............
Off went the van wiv my old man in it
I followed on wiv me old **** linnit
Well we dillied and dalliied, Shillied and shallied'
Lost my way and don't know wher to roam
Well you can't trust a special like a whole time copper
when you can't find your way home.

dah da!
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fantastic naomi are you 110 to know the lyrics to this old song? lol
Cheeky. I had a step grannie who sang all the old music hall songs to me.......but you are half right in the age dept.
Do you want me to smack her Naomi?
Yeah cos I'm too old and feeble to smack her myself ( loved the way c**k linnet was beeped out. never been beeped before.
Well there's a first time for everything Naomi you naughty lady you. lol

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my old man said follow the van

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