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randomater | 14:39 Wed 27th May 2009 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Oh my goddddddd i am so bored. I need suggestions about entertaining things to do on dull rainy Wednesday afternoons. ZZZzzzzzzzzzzz


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Go back to bed... looks like you could use the zzzzzzzzzs...
Are you male or female?
are you on your own in the house?
have you got a playstation?

a giant telly and some porno DVDs???
ummmm. Wed 27/05/09. 13:55 wrote...

"Are you male or female?

dot.haukes. Wed 27/05/09. 13:58 wrote...

"Are you male or female? "

Are you paying too much for your car insurance?
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you offering to lend yours out no no?
well if randomater is female she could do a pedicure, it takes ages and needs acuracy and dexterity, men are rubbish at that so i just asked before suggesting it
French stick is so last season... go for a ''bread wheel'' every time...
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not dot i have the playstation the Xbox the sky box the DVD player and a laptop all connected at the same time to my samsung telly.

it's easy i tell thee.
show off tut
French stick is so last season... go for a ''bread wheel'' every time...

Snags the new one is hot microwaved pockets for that "authentic feel"
no know, how do you ever find the time to get off the sofa ?
Have you fallen asleep listening to this lot, Randy?

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