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should probably be in animals and nature but here goes

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johnny.5 | 19:54 Wed 27th May 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
which is britains most common owl ?


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Sheffield Wednesday supporter.
Tawny owl
The Barn Owl.
Question Author
no none of them !
the teat owl, perchance?
Johnny....couldn't resist my stupid answer.......Sheffield Wednesday are nicknamed the "Owls"..........sorry.
Question Author
well done xara ; )
-- answer removed --
thanks Jimbo, love you lots x
Question Author
this is chatterbank
we really do expect silly answers
there is no need whatsoever to appolgise

Am I right ?
I'm not wrong !
owl mother hubbert
the Giant Batht Owl
ok sara .................enough

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should probably be in animals and nature but here goes

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