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Just like Postdog says...............

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No,Knowledge | 20:12 Wed 27th May 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Polish birds are id=3101


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I want to contact her... No,know, give me your log in name and password ta...
I know what I'll be asking the guy that works for me to bring back next time he goes home to Poland :)
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sorry snags i can't see much point in that.

ideal lover

...Handsome, well maintained, have a sense of humor, good looks, able to use the cutlery ;-D))smart, nice smell,;-) cultural, but also crazy..xxD and most importantly, it must be a sexy......;-p
able to use the cutlery

Crap.... thats me out then!!
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tigger , go away .....................mans stuff!

btw wtf is that??
Chuck, I like a man who can use his hands ;o)
''sorry snags i can't see much point in that.''

Fair comment... I'll stick with the bread wheel ;-(
Snags - a bit on the thin side
Great lines though cathy...

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Just like Postdog says...............

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