jamster!! in The AnswerBank: Adverts
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jidboy85 | 14:41 Wed 18th May 2005 | Adverts
11 Answers
All i want to know is why certain morons think that these jamster ringtones are either amusing, or somehow enhance your social status? This company is making money by aiming for the idiots in society, duping them into signing up for this pointless crap and spending their money. Which they can then use to fill every ad break on TV with this irritating tat. Another thing, how did the advertising regulatory board fail to see that the "crazy frog" had a clear set of gentials, and allow the ad to be shown on TV for months before censorship!?! Needless to say i wonder why the company felt they needed to put them there!?!? I hate jamster, I hate everyone who buys from jamster and I just wonder whats going through their minds when they do.. I know this is more of a rant than a question.. Does anyone else feel the same way?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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The one that really hacks me off is that poxy little dragon. "Here I am, Look at me, we can fly together". Oh �?&% off, can't you? Where's St George when you need him?

Can't say I was particularly offended by the frog's appendage, though. It is, after all, merely an animated frog. Besides, there are plenty of things about those ads more offensive than that! If I was introduced to anyone who told me they worked in advertising and that "the Jamster ads are ours, you've probably seen them", I wouldn't know whether to laugh, cry, or try to insert them into the nearest cement mixer.
i hate those adverts and as you say they seem to be in every single ad break going! i have to turn the sound off if not turn over completely! i hate then i hate them i hate them!
Phew, the advert has just been on and yes, to my ears, it is very irritating.  It's a shame they've used a frog for one of them as it gives frogs a bad name.
I agree that buying ringtones etc seems a ridiculous waste of money.  And so often bought by people who probably don't have the biggest budgets.  But HATING them for it?!  No.  I find pity to be far more patronising and thus far more apt! :-p

They annoy me too. I saw the Crazy Frog before all my friends and they suddenly they got into it about a month after I did, so they were all excited about it when I was just bored with it!

I think after the success of the frog, they're trying to follow it up with others, such as 'Sweety the Chick or 'Nessie the Dragon'!! But all they do now is annoy people!!

And I can't believe they've actually released a Crazy Frog single, unbelievable!!

Wow, I've just answered this 3 times in a row (see other two posts). Can't we assemble some sort of pressure group to get this cr@p removed from prime time TV?

I'm with everyone who's posted a rant about this Bl*ody Jamster C*ap, we, the public are NOT mindless morons who need to have this inane nonsense forcefed down our throats  at every opportunity!!! even my 7 year old daughter is a bit sick of it...

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I totally agree with your comment lizzy! The vast majority of us are not these easily mused idiots. We should not have to put up with this stuff on television, radio etc.. These companies must be paying the TV channels a fortune for adverts, because more often than not there are at least 2 of their ad's per break! And the only way they can do that is because a) they are getting far too much money from the people that subscribe and b) the TV channels are being a bit spineless and letting them do it! I wish there was a way to make a difference here.. jamster dont even put a contact address on their website.. i wonder why?

Jamster has made over �14 milion JUST from that poxy frog, so there are idiots out there!

Unfortunatley the ones who pay are the parents of the under age kids who text off for their "rip off" "services".

Complain to ICSTIS here


And to the ASA here:-


If enough do, we might collectivly have these leeches shut down for good

Do as I have, write to the tv companies directly, eg: Channel 4, Living TV, E4, etc, etc and tell them exactly what you think of it.  The ASA gives links to the stations if you go onto their pages.  Dont be shy, tell them exactly what you think of the dam advert and hopefully, we will be rid of them forever...we can only hope !!!!  Happy abusing !!!

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