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White Wine Vinegar

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starone | 14:23 Tue 26th May 2009 | Food & Drink
5 Answers
I have been given some white wine vinegar. Can anyone tell me how can I use this? Recipes would be helpful. I hate to waste things!


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One of my favorite cook books states "White wine vinegar is a moderately tangy vinegar that French cooks use to make Hollandaise and B�arnaise sauces, vinaigrettes, soups, and stews." However, I found additonal uses for it such as this summer related recipe:

Picnic Orzo Salad

1 (16 ounce) box orzo pasta
1/3 cup green pepper
1/3 cup yellow onion
1/3 cup red pepper
1/4-1/3 cup red onion
1/3-1/2 cup packaged sun-dried tomato
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 cup white wine vinegar
1 (4 ounce) package feta cheese
Cook orzo for 7 minutes. Drain and rinse with cold water.
Add peppers, onion and sundried tomatoes to the orzo pasta and mix well.
Add oil and gradually add in the vinegar. Use your discretion if you want to add the entire 1/2 cup of vinegar.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Chill for at least 1 hour.
Fold in feta cheese right before serving.

Additionally, I have added julienned smoked turkey and/or lean ham...

I don't have any recipes for White Vinegar, but I do use this a lot for removing limescale from taps, shower heads and the shower door. Dab/wipe it onto the area that needs limescale removing then just rinse off after several minutes - they will look as good as new. Obviously, if the limescale is particularly bad then it will need to be left on for longer. You can also soak some cotton wool in white vinegar and wrap it around the tap and secure it with an elastic band. I also use white vinegar when cleaning windows to ensure a streak free clean!
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Thanks a lot. I have quite a large bottle, so I shall try both of these answers. I'm particularly intrigued by the second one, as I always find cleaning the very edges of my taps difficult and this sounds as if it might solve two problems - how to clean the taps and how to get rid of the white wine vinegar.
It works for descaling kettles too.
You don't waste white wine vinegar by cleaning stuff, use it to make vinegarette and french dressings ...
French dressing ... Equal amounts of WHITE WINE VINEGAR and olive oil, 2 heaped teaspoons of french brown mustard, salt and pepper. Put all into a jar with well fitting lid, shake like hell, pour over a salad of your choice and then enjoy.

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