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zzxxee | 16:12 Fri 29th May 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
is who? and why?


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China-Doll. She's just amazing.
sleekit kate,she's a lady
he was just fantastic in bed last night.
vibra... for his advice on loaves...
Joy and Beatrice - two lovely ladies with hearts of gold.
as theres 2 days left

like the actress said to the bishop

Well z, it's a joint first & they are tiggs -
for her 'Mr Ed' post 26.5 - 18.43 when out of character she let rip!! lol! x & .....
leg, for his 'Ever had a blocked toilet ' post - 28.5 - 14.39, his you tube clip made me howl! x

its in the terms and conditions that i canrt be answerbanker of the week

EVER !!!

its because im the messssssssssiahhh and may look loike im using my heavenly powers to fix things.

That aside thank you for the norman nation : o)
You dont know how long that took to do between being water pistoled! You're welcome!
I just do, so much, miss Stewey's absence.
Hello ZZ,

Has to be Sachs when she described me as being "out of character" and "letting rip" on a thread by you at 15.49 today!

Bit worried about the letting rip bit 'cause I didn't think she'd hear it from where she lives!!!

Hey tiggs!!
it's weekend you know! ;0) How's your day been?
Hiya Sachs,

Its been a good day today apart from the Dark Berry Mocha thing I had from Starbucks. I'm sure I saw a thread where CD was saying how nice they were so I gave it a go at lunch time at kind of regretted it. I found it very sickly sweet and I was feeling a bit ill for the rest of the day! Lol

Oh and I had to tell one of my staff off. Not good!
Chuck 'cos he helped me in Technoloigy and his CB posts are funny.................and my hero of the week is China 'cos she survived the Virgin train journey to the Lakes....
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tigger wonders how she can give Sachs and Carabint stars on someone elses thread

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