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Joy1 | 10:49 Sat 30th May 2009 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
another glorious day up Norf, hope you all enjoy it wherever you are

Joy x


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Gimme MORE stars!
hi joy1

lovely day here in york

I dont want stars as I had a bottle of wine last night and I am seeing plenty of stars already {:-(
OMG ummm,so sorry about that.
I heard about that ummm on another thread.....what a terrible tragedy xx
Question Author
me too ummmm, poor lamb,,(((hugs))))
mornin' everyone whos just joined Joys Joyous little thread....lo
got to nip out for an hour, will be back to chat very soon
love you all xxxx
Joy gives stars to EVERYTHING!!!!!!
Mines a bit young for that Pasta.....she's never come home drunk so far. Saying that though I use to make her come in at 9..!!
My internet keeps crashing so my answers are appearing late...Thanks all for the kind words.
But you MWB
I got some on the previous page, noway.
that was a typo took them back..although you should of got some for your suggestions post
noway..we are all we all get stars...otherwise squabbles start...and we don't want that...for a change!!
Which only goes to show that joy just gives EVERYONE & EVERYTHING stars regardless.

Good song that, eh?

♫ Frigging in th erigging when there's fcuk all else to do! ♫

Beautiful weather here in Blackpool........
Pity the Cup Final is on..........I'm torn :o(
I thaught all the footi was over jack.Anyway bring your tv into the garden,and your lap-top
I don't really have a garden, it is more of a side yard..........but I live 1 minutes walk from the Prom and feel that I ought to go to the beach.............

The WiFi won't reach that far nor will the lead on my TV :o(
Hi Joy/ The Norf is pretty good most of the time, but today is even better. Have a good day. xx
Hi Joy. The breeze has dropped a bit on the south coast today so I have had a little sit outside and will be doing so again later. Unfortunately got some housework to do first. Hope you have a good day. xx

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