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fantastic start

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No,Knowledge | 19:56 Sat 30th May 2009 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
well it was wasn't it!


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I'm waiting for Diversity. Didn't see any of the semi finals but they were excellent first time round. Brilliant choreography!
When you've watched Flawless - you've seen Diversity.
I want Amanda to have an uncontrollable bout of sneezing within the next 30 minutes (pleeze!!!!!!!)
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i just hope all the teenage girls arn't texting like mad for this bloke. that could swing it.

although he didn't do to bad.
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he should have entered Xfactor
He was quite good. Wouldn't mind meeting him in a dark alley either.
You naughty woman!!..jan-he is only 17!!
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good or what?

they are backing Diversity now on betfair
dammit I missed diversity, were they any good??
They were brilliant cazzz...

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fantastic start

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