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Thunder only happens when its raining

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Gri� | 18:28 Sun 31st May 2009 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Players only love you when there playing.

/ \ .

Now write that down 100 times before you leave today and no copying and pasting


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yeah ok.
Question Author
Daft punk ^
Players only love you when there playing.

/ \ .

Now write that down 100 times before you leave today and no copying and pasting

and you know me I wouldnt cheat !!

Dont have time for a hundred tho lol
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Question Author
Smart arse ^
and it is they're, not there
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Question Author
My donkey is in the garden roal.

And where is the waiter?
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Question Author
Sadly pedro is 6 feet underground shagging your mum whiffey
Can the barman stand in?
Question Author
Stand in what?
You know, the naughty bits where you need to be a bit stiff.

Question Author
You been on the magic poppadoms again whiffey ^

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Thunder only happens when its raining

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