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If someone said to you "life sucks"......

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MallowPuff | 08:57 Tue 02nd Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
what would you say to change their mind?


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Are you sure he wasn't saying that his wife sucks?

Were you in a noisy pub at the time?
I wish my missus did

Am I right ?
I'm not wrong !
Aah ...

This thread is already heading up a one way street ... LOL
or down as the case may be lol
Ha , lol @ jayne !!
Oh and Mallow , please to meet you , at this moment in time I couldn't persuade them to think otherwise , I'd have to agree :-(
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So at this stage we have two answers then......yes it does suck and I need a *******........sigh.
I'd take them down to the canal and introduce them to the peace and tranquility, and some of the boat people. They are such a lovely lot, they could cheer up anyone!
I was going to say it's all swings and roundabouts but I prefer wbm's answer :D
I would perhaps suggest a two holiday in ,,,,helmut province of Afghanistan!!
yes life sucks. But there are good bits too.
I would say 50-50.

Do something that makes you happy, and push the 'bad' bit away.
that's the idea lexie!
Show them a video of Romanian orphanages.

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If someone said to you "life sucks"......

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