Chickadee thanks for your jusy reminded me of this story:
On a ward round as a medical student aged 20, consultant asked us to test urine for sugar by dipping your finger in the urine and tasting it.
He proceeded to put his finger in the urine and popped it in his mouth, waited and then said � obvious taste of sugar� He then asked all of us to put our fingers in the urine, put it in our mouths and comment.
With extreme trepidation and horror we all dipped our fingers in the urine and put them in our mouths with varying responses from gagging to obvious distaste.
The consultant was beside himself pleasure as he said,
�Gentleman, when embarking on your medical career, the use of your eyes is fundamental, you should have noticed that when I dipped my index finger in the urine, it was my middle finger that I put in my mouth.