Ive got around �350 to replace my desktop PC. I don't need a VDU, printer, keyboard, scanner etc etc. It will be for home use, listening to and downloading music (legally, of course !) to CD. I don't play games.
What spec should I go for ? Which processor should I aim for ? What size of memory etc ?
you have around 350
for 350 you'll get �350s worth of kit
the market is so competetive you'll find very little difference in what hardware.
there will however be a bias for games or video etc
many sites let you chose
read a couple of mags - mainstream desktop kit is slightly different to laptops
two of the best makes on the market!!!!
.... sorry - worst
if there are two brands to stay away from ....
we bought 30 novatechs for a project ... 8 arrived not working
4 monitors burst into flames - every machine needed a new hard disc - 5 needed new PSUs
if possible, stay away from PCWorld, they sell cheap rubbish at premium prices. you can get much better from online stores who actually sell computers and know what they are talking about. Ebuyer.com, Scan.co.uk, overclockers.co.uk are good starting points.