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House Parties part 2

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JOEYGREEN | 13:49 Tue 19th Dec 2006 | Body & Soul
14 Answers
A while ago now there was this thread asking about stories about house parties we went to when we were young. These really make me laugh. Does anyone have any other stories?

This is the original:- uestion268404.html



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Ha Ha that�s coz it was my question :-) best bit was me chatting you up coz I thought you was a bloke :-)
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Ha ha ha. "How you doing?" I forgot about that bit. Was thinking about the marker blob on the painting and the beefburger on the neck!
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I take it that's a 'no' then. Looks like it was just me and you then 4get.
See my kids think I'm a bad mother coz I wont let them have a party - now I know I've made the right decision!!!!!

My worst memory of a house party was when we were about 15. My best friend got totally out of it and was undressed and on top of a lad both of them naked when her dad arrived to collect us......

Very silent journey home and she wasn't allowed out for rather a long time.
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Arghh, how shameful! No, you're doing the right thing. Let them ruin someone elses house! I am a mother now too and I will no way allow my son to have a party at home when he gets to teenage years.
What surprises me is the number of house parties that the boys go to. There seems to be loads of poor parents out there who either never went to a house party when they were kids or are very trusting :)
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Well most of the parties I went to between the ages of 15 and 17 the parents didn't know about...obviously until the next day! Make sure when you have a night out, one of your neighbours keeps an eye on the house.
I remember a party I had years ago at my mum and dads house. They had a beautiful picture of me over the fireplace before a growth appeared on my nose tragically a few years later.

They are still in therapy now after someone drew a fake growth on the most beautiful picture they had of their daughter before the growth tragedy!!!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!! :O)
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Do you know, for one minute there my stomach flipped whilst reading that Athley!
oh god, i had so many of these parties !! all your stories made me laugh !!! i had people being sick in my parents bed, people getting up to mischief in my little brothers rooms, all my parents ornaments/ kitchen stuff getting turned upside down.
we were all at my friends party when we were about 17 and me and another friend fell out with her and so as people were leaving the party we stood and handed out things from her parents fridge and cupboards to them on their way out, ha ha, the cupboards and fridge were emptied by daylight and we got shouted at !! mwa ha ha ha, not very nice but funny when i look back !!!
I once made the fatal mistake of falling asleep with my mouth wide open at a party. The guys father was a keen angler & he kept his maggots & groundbait in the fill in the rest of the story !
athley, .......that reminds of a lad at work who had a framed picture of his girlfriend, so we used to draw a mustache her, on the glass frame, which used to drive him mad,
the funniest bit was that it actually suited her
My friends and I had a houseparty at a friends house for my 18th. Well I had two, the first one a lovely one with a special cake they'd made for me and everything but the second...

I didn't want loads of alcohol, wanted a nice evening with friends but they had other ideas. People started spiking my drinks with very strong brandy which i soon cottoned on to but one guy ended up in casualty having hurt his arm, I ended up sat with one friends throwing her guts up before having to take another friend to casualty in an ambulance cos she was so out of it, had to call her just separated parents to come to the hospital.

Missed my very strict mum before she went to pick me up from the house and had to wait for her to come and get me from casualty!!! Was the most sober person at my own 18th and wasn't impressed.
I had one when my folks went away. Thought i was very well organised. Packed away all the valuables and breakables, and drew sketches of where they all stood, so could put them exactly back. Locked the bedroom doors, Locked the booze cupboard, Locked the doors and kept the keys under control so that we didnt get lots of gatecrashers.

All was going well, till a lad i had invited, asked if he could let someone else in who i had invited, and the keys went missing. Loads of crashers from his rugby team turned up.

Finally got rid by saying the police were coming. But OMG the mess! People had thrown paving slabs and hanging baskets in the swimming pool, which i had to go in and fetch- it was october, the water was freezing cold and green, and had to feel around with my feet to find everything.
People had taken tins of food and stuff, so the shelves were empty, found a tin of olives had been opened, and someone had carefully put an olive in each section of our lattice fram window. Someone else had tried heating a yogurt in the microwave, my mums badminton racket was bent at 35degrees, people had evern pulled up the concrete road sign outside the house, and much much worse, the complete set of door keys was missing, so someone could come back at anytime.

Me and m mates managed to put alot right before they got back next day, but i couldnt restock the shelves, find the keys or fix the racket, so they knew something had hapenened. They just didnt know how bad!
A policeman who knew my dad even commented that there had been a mad party that weekend "in our area", and that you wouldnt catch him letting his kids get away with it. Luckily dad didnt cotton on..
I was paying off the �250 of damage for some time!!

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