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today i will mostly be

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No,Knowledge | 14:59 Sun 07th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
upsetting southerners ,girls and cat lovers.


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Can't wait.
Only if they let you
Not a chance.
Awwwww you're so cute NoKnow, just like a little bunny rabbit. I just want to come a pinch you face cheeks and give you lots of lovely bug hugs.

How does that grab ya?
Oh well i guess its better than having a convo with stooompway2 or the hauker?

enjoy nonokers

???? diddy that help yie the nooooooooooo????
well that rules me out then.......
threat or promise?

g'wan, could do wiv a fight to rev me up ;)
I am off the
for how long tho'
joy x
come on you Northern [email protected] in your own thread..
Craft, he's currently in A&N upsetting the locals.
cat got your tongue

no.k run off with tail between legs
ayup...calm down calm down

gotta go now as G'kids arrived - wind him up for me
-- answer removed --
hi noknow u might as well nothing else to do on this boring sunday afternoon .
Where's he gone then? I'm been waiting for it to kick off but going to the pub soon.

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today i will mostly be

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