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Rain drops keep falling on my head

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1m-spartacus | 02:29 Mon 08th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Sorry but knobby told me to say that and it was some sort of secret code or something


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Is that because knobby cleared off from the other thread?? : )
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Not sure icy
But then came back again.......
Hmmm..methinks knobby sounds bored!! : )
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Yea me too
I know. It's the time of day that does it. Not much going off at almost quarter to two on the morning.....yawwwnnnnnn.....
Are you having sardines for breakfast?
spartacus who is your alias???

at least it is only raindrops hey!!!!
it means you have a leaky pipe upstairs
Hewllo mamya! Better a leaky pipework upstairs, than down!
Oops! : )
Question Author
Or even a leaky pipe downstairs???
means ur a fud ; 0 )
-- answer removed --
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Snap icy great minds think alike
Well of course - it's the code that does it!

im grey


sod orf

ya tit : o)
Think I can see a few grey ones as well, what with the trouble I had with my computer yesterday!

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Rain drops keep falling on my head

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