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DebsyDoo | 01:21 Mon 08th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
After KTG8's response to mammy's thread (re:toast) hasn't anyone else wondered how or why we've got the "names" we use ? I still think it would be good if the site gave the option of displaying a few details - nothing incriminating - just maybe age, sex & general area - optional, of course (also, the option to put a picture - so's we can see who we're "talking" to ?) What do you think ?


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emm sex may be a bit difficult and personal to answer!!!!!!! do you mean gender lol
pictures no way it would ruin everything (speaking personally as an old boot) LOL
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Sex wasn't an offer Pink - (or requirement) !!
Yes, I meant gender ! (& you could say "prefer not to specify) by that - I don't mean you in particular !!!
As for pic's - I am not ashamed to show my pic - I am what I am - short of winning the lottery, there's not a lot I can do about it !!!
I'll start by saying -
I'm Female, 51 years (young) based in SE England !
(I'll sort out a pic - but you'll have to give me a mo !)

Next . . . ?
ok iam 33 from ireland the southern part, sex as often as possible !!!! I am female and a photo 0/Little-Miss-Naughty-little-miss-naughty-3595 211-76-100.jpg
and she lives near my bro tut the minx LOL
This was done with the old avatars Debs - and I know of at least two people who told porkies about the pics that went up - lol!!! - so there's not much point.
I'm 30, married with 2 children - and that's all most folk need to know.
PS) Pink's being modest when she says she's "OK".
Sex? Ohhh...THAT sort... I'm female.
when are you coming to visit??? i can look after you real well !!
awww pink i dont travel well give me a bit o time and i will need a passport ?
you just need photo id dont leave it too long
have it in the memorybank have just gone on the visually impaired register so shold grab evrything i can i guess
Question Author
Sorry, f'ing computer playing up !! Honest - just been trying to upload a pic, but took so long -I had to re-boot.

I will do it tomorrow - check into a thread I will post 2m - entitled <C/F> !! OK ?

Sincerely !

Debs xxx
night debs

M ♥
let me know in advance mamya and i will sort you out, dont leave it too long

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