It made me think, Where were you when JFK got shot? and Where were you when the Twin Towers were hit?
these are two dates in history where people say they knew where they were.. I was 17, when JFK was assasinated, my friend was staying over and we were going on a trip the next day (Sat) to the Edinburgh tattoo, when there was a newsflasf that Friday night! the The twin Tower, we were in Corfu, went up to our room, switched the television on,,, I thought it was a film!!
OMG it was dreadful, will never forget the sombre mood of the people in the hotel that fornight. joy x
I have quite a few relatives living in the US Joy - so as soon as I could, I phoned round all of them to make sure they were safe. It's one of the worst scenes of carnage and destruction that I've ever seen, and it still upsets me to think about it.
oh Joy I remember the London bombs, it was terrible, we were on holiday in Greece and my son worked in Covent Garden. Fortunately he had overslept that day or else he may well have been on one of the tube trains. it was terrible for us because we couldnt ring England to find out if my family were ok.
I was at work when the twin tours got hit, and I remember one of the girls coming in to say what had happened.
And Kennedy, I cant remember properly but I can remember how sad everyone was.
jan these stories are all very sad in their own way, I feel very sad tonight, I know I started the thread on this,I am not sad, sad, but feel for all of you that in someways, were touched by thes tragedies
I was working in a pub the night Diana was involved in the crash. We all sat up watching the news for hours and then went to bed. We were woken up early by one of the barmaids and she told us that Diana was dead. We were all in complete shock.
there were so many that jumped........I cannot imagine the almost mental insanity that would cause someone to make a choice between jumping and burning.....when death is the only certainty.
when jfk was shot i was only a youg kid sat at the table , the radio kept giving out a news flash
when the twin towers got hit sat at home with sky news on
could not leave the tv , phoned a couple of mates , still remember the second plane flying in , people jumping from windows high up
Yes, I think seeing people jump was one of the worst parts about it. I can't imagine what went through their minds in their final seconds. I still hope to go to Ground Zero one day and pay my respects.
Dr Frith, it was as if you were going throgh the motions
those very brave people who went in to rescue them, and the mayor Juliani?
the people all covered in thick dust running for their lives onto the bridges, and yes those who jumpted,,,tragic
ice, try and go pet, I went and I am so pleased I did, I went the following year, not for that it had been organised for a while, the eeriness in Lower Manhattan was very odd in such a vibrant city, we went there and stood in silence...remembering
joy x
Good for you, Joy. Time's of the essence with me I'm afraid, but yes, I will go. I posted my condolences on a US website, and received an email of thanks. x
I would like to visit Ground Zero too. It will be a very emotional visit Icey. x
My best friend went to Germany just months after the collapse of the Berlin Wall. She brought me back a piece of the wall and I have it on show in my living room. Its a piece of history.
I was in a cab on my way home after a night out when I heard about Diana`s crash, I got home and put the tv on and then they said she had died, my missus had a go at me for not waking her..Pffft!
So now I only wake her if someone famous has died or it`s been snowing outside lol