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Why are so many intelngent people

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noway2 | 00:49 Tue 09th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
on chuck/ craft/ knobby/ nok/ me


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Oh .sorry i shount be here
and am i daft????
Well Chuck is clever........without shouting about it.......and nokno is a clever tw@t.........
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only 3
so...who you calling stoooopid....huh????
So you say you are clever noway2,

but you cant spell shouldn't? LOL.
Question Author
No.trt,I'm saying there is lots of clever people on here.WHY (I'm a dummy)
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Because you didn't spell shouldn't correct, read you post?
Question Author
I know .trt ,but I'm too late.GEEEZ I,m a dummy here.But there is clever people here. WHY?
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Maybe he/she has had to much Guinness robknot? LOL
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Why are so many intelngent people

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